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Event poster : Collectiva Meeting '21 _ "Tiempo de caramelos" by Juanjo Garcia Martin
Image Crédits: Collectiva

For the third time, Collectiva presents an exhibition of contemporary jewellery that brings together designers from all over the world in Porto. The exhibition is an event that opened on 25th of September and will run until the 31st of October , at Bombarda Shopping Centre.

Ana Bragança is pleased to be one of the artists selected to present her new collection, "Sharp Ends", at the Meeting.

The exhibition opened as part of the Simultaneous Inaugurations of Miguel Bombarda, and counts on the presence of works by Portuguese and foreign authors. The exhibition is highlighted in the central hall of the Bombarda Shopping Center as well as in the Collectiva store-gallery also located there.

Central Hall of Bombarda Shopping Center
Image Crédits: Collectiva

With the collection "Sharp Ends", Ana Bragança shows once again how much her jewellery is influenced by her architectural background and that this is where its originality is found. When staring at these pieces, some will see streets, some will perceive a fraction of a facade, some will even glimpse parts of a fictional urban project, and some will simply enjoy its strong geometric shapes. In this collection of one-of-a-kind jewellery pieces, Ana plays with textures and uses them to emphasise even more the parts of the piece which have sharp edges.

Selected Artists - Meeting 2021 - Collectiva
Necklace by Ana Bragança - Collection "Sharp Ends" - Material: Sterling Silver and Plastic Wire
Image Crédits: Ana Bragança Jewellery

So, if you're in Porto, don't miss the opportunity to visit the space, discover innovative works by fabulous artists and get acquainted with our new collection.

Brooches by Ana Bragança - Collection "Sharp Ends" - Material: Gold plated Sterling Silver and Sterling Silver
Image Crédits: Ana Bragança Jewellery

Central Hall of Bombarda Shopping Center
Image Crédits: Collectiva

For more information:
CCB - Rua Miguel Bombarda no 285, Loja 5 - PORTO
Tlf. 961585054
Facebook: @collectivajoalhariadeautor
Instagram: @collectiva_joalhariadeautor
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Ana Bragança

Rua São João Bosco 145

4100-451 Porto


NIF: 202257738


Tel: +41 79881 32 98 / +351 91 026 87 08



INCM (Imprensa Nacional – Casa da Moeda) || N. P008868

AORP (Associação de Ourivesaria e Relojoaria de Portugal) || 2014

2018 Ana Bragança. All rights reserved

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